About #AksiMudaJagaIklim

The involvement of young people in addressing the climate crisis is key to creating significant and sustainable change, ensuring that the Earth remains healthy and habitable for future generations.

Since 2021, EcoNusa has initiated a youth movement through Penjaga Laut as the initiator of a movement called *Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim* (AMJI). AMJI is a tangible form of Indonesian youth action in addressing the impacts of the climate crisis through a collective movement, starting with commitments to lifestyle changes, reducing plastic waste, and engaging in various forest and ocean conservation activities. AMJI's commitment is to support the government in reducing the rate of climate change and achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050, as well as maintaining the emission balance in the forestry and land-use sectors, known as the FOLU Net Sink.

About #AksiMudaJagaIklim

Indonesia will reach its golden age in 2045, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of its independence. In 2045, 70% of Indonesia's population will fall within the productive age range (15-64 years old). Unfortunately, instead of being a demographic bonus, this has the potential to turn into a demographic disaster without the empowerment of human and natural resources. The year 2050 is referred to as the climate emergency year. The productive age group will dominate, while the climate crisis will be rampant.

Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim or The Youth Climate Action emerged from the concern of knowing that our planet is not doing well. The Youth Climate Action is a tangible manifestation of the young generation of Indonesia in addressing the impacts of the climate crisis. It represents our commitment to support the government in reducing the rate of climate change and targeting Net Zero Emission by 2050 by maintaining a balance in emissions from the forestry sector and other land use, also known as FOLU Net Sink.

About #AksiMudaJagaIklim

Indonesia will reach its golden age in 2045, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of its independence. In 2045, 70% of Indonesia's population will fall within the productive age range (15-64 years old). Unfortunately, instead of being a demographic bonus, this has the potential to turn into a demographic disaster without the empowerment of human and natural resources. The year 2050 is referred to as the climate emergency year. The productive age group will dominate, while the climate crisis will be rampant.

Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim or The Youth Climate Action emerged from the concern of knowing that our planet is not doing well. The Youth Climate Action is a tangible manifestation of the young generation of Indonesia in addressing the impacts of the climate crisis. It represents our commitment to support the government in reducing the rate of climate change and targeting Net Zero Emission by 2050 by maintaining a balance in emissions from the forestry sector and other land use, also known as FOLU Net Sink.

Impacts of the #AksiMudaJagaIklim movement from 2021-2023


Bibit pohon dan bibit
mangrove ditanam


Kg sampah yang


Koral yang ditransplantasi
dan diadopsi


Hatchlings released

#AksiMudaJagaIklim 2024

As a form of commitment from young people in the restoration of forest and ocean ecosystems to reduce the impact of the climate crisis and support the Indonesian government's mission to achieve the goal of Net Zero Emissions by 2050, and to embrace the spirit of youth leading towards #100YearsOfYouthPledge. *Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim* targets 30,000 young people, with the spirit of 96 years of the Youth Pledge, to organize hundreds of collaborative actions, both online and offline, carried out collectively throughout 2024. The series of *Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim* includes:

  1. Collaborative Action for Climate Protection (Road to AMJI) from February to October 2024.
  2. Simultaneous Action on October 26, 2024, at a minimum of 500 locations across Indonesia.

Daftar Kolaborator

Kamu punya komunitas (organisasi) yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan? Yuk bergabung bersama kami di Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim! Pendaftaran kolaborator nasional, sudah ditutup!

Daftar Relawan

Daftar jadi relawan (individu) AMJI di platform Indorelawan, dengan cara klik tombol di bawah ini. Kemudian pilih AMJI terdekat dari domisilimu atau hubungi narahubung penyelenggara.

Impacts of the #AksiMudaJagaIklim movement from 2021-2023


Action point


Youth involved




Bibit pohon dan bibit mangrove di tanam


Kg of collected garbage


Coral transplanted and adopted


Hatchlings released

#AksiMudaJagaIklim 2024

As a form of commitment from young people in the restoration of forest and ocean ecosystems to reduce the impact of the climate crisis and support the Indonesian government's mission to achieve the goal of Net Zero Emissions by 2050, and to embrace the spirit of youth leading towards #100YearsOfYouthPledge. *Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim* targets 30,000 young people, with the spirit of 96 years of the Youth Pledge, to organize hundreds of collaborative actions, both online and offline, carried out collectively throughout 2024. The series of *Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim* includes:

  1. Collaborative Action for Climate Protection (Road to AMJI) from February to October 2024.
  2. Simultaneous Action on October 26, 2024, at a minimum of 500 locations across Indonesia.

Daftar Kolaborator

Kamu punya komunitas (organisasi) yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan? Yuk bergabung bersama kami di Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim! Pendaftaran kolaborator nasional, sudah ditutup!

Daftar Relawan

Daftar jadi relawan (individu) AMJI di platform Indorelawan, dengan cara klik tombol di bawah ini. Kemudian pilih AMJI terdekat dari domisilimu atau hubungi narahubung penyelenggara.

#AksiMudaJagaIklim 2024 Timelines

AMJI 2024 Plastic Monster

The Plastic Monster Parade, scheduled for October 26, 2024, is part of an initiative involving the creation of 5 plastic monsters in 5 major cities in Indonesia: Jakarta, Pontianak, Makassar, Sorong, and Ambon. The event will be preceded by a special workshop on plastic brand auditing and will showcase the plastic monsters in public spaces for 3 days, depending on approval from local authorities. The entire process will be visually documented by photographers/videographers, coordinated by Atelier 13, a France-based partner of the Metis Fund, in accordance with the requirements of the Echoing Oceans Program.

Ikuti aksi parade Monster Plastik di lokasi dan tanggal berikut:

  • Makasar, 26 Oktober 2024 | Yohanes, +62 878-9061-2593
  • Ambon, 26 Oktober 2024 | Suci, +62 813-1037-0216
  • Jakarta, 27 Oktober 2024 | Malik, +62 813-2786-5285
  • Pontianak, 27 Oktober 2024 | Fahmi, +62 896-9447-7572
  • Sorong, 28 Oktober 2024 | Tesar, +62 821-9761-1878

AMJI 2024 Plastic Monster

The Plastic Monster Parade, scheduled for October 26, 2024, is part of an initiative involving the creation of 5 plastic monsters in 5 major cities in Indonesia: Jakarta, Pontianak, Makassar, Sorong, and Ambon. The event will be preceded by a special workshop on plastic brand auditing and will showcase the plastic monsters in public spaces for 3 days, depending on approval from local authorities. The entire process will be visually documented by photographers/videographers, coordinated by Atelier 13, a France-based partner of the Metis Fund, in accordance with the requirements of the Echoing Oceans Program.

Ikuti aksi parade Monster Plastik di lokasi dan tanggal berikut:

  • Makasar, 26 Oktober 2024 | Yohanes, +62 878-9061-2593
  • Ambon, 26 Oktober 2024 | Suci, +62 813-1037-0216
  • Jakarta, 27 Oktober 2024 | Malik, +62 813-2786-5285
  • Pontianak, 27 Oktober 2024 | Fahmi, +62 896-9447-7572
  • Sorong, 28 Oktober 2024 | Tesar, +62 821-9761-1878

Monsters Plastic Locations

MASKOT #AksiMudaJagaIklim

Perkenalkan SI AJI, maskot Aksi Muda Jaga Iklim! Nama SI AJI merupakan akronim dari AkSI MudA Jaga Iklim, yang dalam bahasa Sansekerta bermakna "rasa" atau "benda berharga"

SI AJI merupakan Figur lmajiner / Super Hero yang berkarakter unik, modern dan futuristik. Kepala SI AJI berbentuk Bumi dengan daratan hijau dan laut biru serta Raut Wajah berbentuk hati (love) melambangkan kecintaan & kepedulian para pemuda untuk mewujudkan bumi yang sehat dan layak huni.

Visual Tangan Terbuka dan simbol Net Zero Emission melambangkan aksi jaga iklim dalam menanggulangi dampak krisis iklim serta mendukung pemerintah untuk menurunkan laju perubahan iklim dan menargetkan Net Zero Emission di tahun 2050.

Visual Daun di kepala mempresentasikan penjagaan keseimbangan emisi sektor kehutanan & penggunaan lahan lainnya / yang dikenal dengan FOLU Net Sink. Simbol Recyle mempresentasikan daur ulang sampah plastik yang dapat membantu menjaga iklim dengan mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca & konsumsi energi. Perisai dan Logo Penjaga Laut melambangkan SI AJI sebagai karakter super hero atau sang pembela bumi Indonesia yang siap memberikan perlindungan.

Stay tuned to the #AksiMudaJagaIklim channels.